Other Services
In addition to the five core independent living services and employment services, the Center for Accessible Living offers a variety of other services that can support individuals with disabilities in living independently in their communities.
Murray: The Calloway County Salvation Army has generously provided funds for adaptive equipment available for loan in the Murray area. Some items not covered by insurance are purchased to be donated to qualified individuals.
Louisville: Equipment Loans are provided based on availability through equipment donations only. Consumers may borrow equipment dependent on availability in Louisville.
Donated items we accept include:
Durable medical goods; mobility devices such as canes, crutches, walkers; portable ramps; shower chairs or potty chairs; scooters, manual and power chairs.
We apologize, but currently we do not have storage room for items larger than portable ramps or power chairs/scooters
Not all items listed are guaranteed to be available.
For items like lifts, beds, modified vans or other vehicle items, please consider listing it in our marketplace.
For a list of items or information about donations and equipment loan, please contact our Equipment Loan Coordinators:
• Louisville: Becky Hart
bhart@calky.org, (502) 589-6620.
Erika Desha
edesha@calky.org, (502) 589-6620
•Murray: Carrissa Johnson
cjohnson@calky.org, (270) 753-7676.
Market Place
The Marketplace is a unique bulletin board to sell, buy or give away adaptive equipment and other disability related products.
Items will be listed as a courtesy for third party individuals. Individuals sell and buy at their own risk.
No Items Currently listed.
To list an item, contact webinfo@calky.org.
We are always accepting volunteers at the Center for Accessible Living. There are many ways you can be a part of our programs, no matter your availability. Please contact our office for more information about donations or volunteering. You may call at (502) 589-6620, or fill out our contact form. All donations are tax deductible.
Our Housing Coordinator and other experienced staff can provide:
Provide a list of accessible and affordable rental units
Information about housing rights
Assistance in applying for Section 8
Assistance in applying for Subsidized housing
Assistance in applying for an Olmstead voucher that can help individuals transition from nursing homes and other congregate settings to living independently in the community
Information about accessible apartments
Information about affordable housing
Advice and information on Landlord/Tenant communication
What is the difference between Subsidized and section 8 housing??
SUBSIDIZED HOUSING: a housing complex owns the government subsidy. Individuals must apply at each location. Click here to see the Subsidized housing list.
SECTION 8: the individual receives a subsidy from Section 8 in the form of voucher. The individual ‘owns’ the subsidy. As long as the individual abides by Section 8 rules and regulation, he or she can rent an apartment of their choosing if the landlord accepts the voucher. The voucher can move with the individual as long as they continue to abide by Section 8 rules and regulations.
Oversees all matters and barriers connected to finding accessible and affordable housing in the Louisville area. Acts as a liaison between varies government agencies and community programs. Can provide a list of community resources for any housing accessibility related issue. Assists in applying for affordable housing in the form of an individual subsidy or subsidized housing. Advocates for consumers’ housing rights. Participates in community outreach and engagement for all housing related topics
Independent living skills are as basic as learning to take responsibility, making good decisions and learning how to solve problems. There are many skills that we learn along the way that help us have a more independent life and maintain that independence once we reach our goals. One of the ways the Center for Accessible Living helps people with disabilities to live independently is through Independent Living Skills instruction.
The program manages the ramp construction for people with mobility impairments in the Louisville Metro area only. CAL Murray has a partnership with the Salvation Army for ramp construction in Calloway County.
The Rampbuilders Program has been providing custom-designed home access ramps and railings to persons with disabilities since the incorporation of the Center for Accessible Living in 1981.
Whenever possible, ramps are provided at no cost to the recipient. Individuals with mobility impairments can safely enter and exit their homes, providing independence and opportunities for education, employment and recreation.
A ramp provides a very basic level of freedom so that persons with disabilities can make their own choices.
Our program has provided ramps to hundreds of individuals thanks to funding from sources that include or have included Louisville Metro Government, Louisville Metro Council, Calloway County Salvation Army, Medicaid and private donations.
The Center for Accessible Living’s satellite office in Murray has Ramp funds available for low-income individuals in Calloway County. Funds are provided by the Calloway County Salvation Army through their annual kettle drive. Individuals, including volunteers from VFW Post 6291, generously give their time to build these ramps according to ADA requirements. For more information about the program and to be placed on the waiting list please contact Carrissa Johnson 270-753-7676.
Who is Eligible?
Anyone living in the Louisville Metro area that has a permanent mobility impairment is eligible. Eligibility may vary due to rules set by funding sources. For more information please call the Ramp Program Coordinator at 589-6620 ext. 110.
How Can I Apply?
To receive an application for the ramp program in the mail or for more information please call the Ramp Program Coordinator at 589-6620 ext. 110.
How Long Does it Take to Get a Ramp?
Time to determine eligibility and to receive authorization varies, depending upon how quickly all paperwork is received from you. Variables such as whether you live in a restricted area such as a flood plain or historical district sometimes requires extra paperwork and government review.
The number of persons already waiting for a ramp and the amount of funding available also greatly impacts the time it may take to get a ramp. The typical time it takes to finish a ramp is 1.5 to 2 years. For that reason, it is best to get your paperwork in to reserve your spot on the list.
Who Builds or Installs the Ramps?
A reputable and experienced contractor or supplier builds or installs the ramps to code.
Who is Responsible for Care?
All maintenance is the responsibility of the ramp owner.
How Can I Help?
The Rampbuilders Program is always in need of funding. The average cost of a ramp is about $5,000.00. Every little bit helps, and donations are tax deductible. Please make your check out to the Center for Accessible Living with “Rampbuilders Program” on the memo line.
We greatly appreciate your support of independent living for everyone!
For more information or to make a donation, contact:
Rampbuilders Program
Becky Hart, Rampbuilders Coordinator
Center for Accessible Living
501 E. Broadway, Suite 310
Louisville, KY 40202-1799

Ford, UAW Local 862, and Louisville Metro Council Members work in conjunction with CAL in a ramp-building collaboration. Volunteers continue to build and plan as long as funding is available. The project started when some of the carpenters from the Ford Assembly Plant built a ramp for a co-worker who needed one. Ford and UAW Local 862 donated $50,000 to cover the cost of materials for about 25 ramps in the first year. Over the last two years, members of Louisville Metro Council have contributed over $120,000 in additional funding. The partnership has built over 100 ramps.
Resource: Ramp Building Manual
Ramp Manual is a guideline that is a safe and easy way to build ramps for single family homes. The basic ramp manual was based on building codes in Minnesota. We understand that there are building code guideline variables in other states. The manual is for sale for $15. You can find it on the web site www.wheelchairramp.org for people to review and copy for personal use.
Ramp Up Kentucky
The Center for Accessible Living is part of Ramp Up Kentucky, a network of partners providing loans of portable ramps around the state coordinated by the KATS Network. People with disabilities who are in immediate need for a ramp and awaiting permanent access to their homes can borrow a portable aluminum ramp at no cost for up to six months. The Ramp Up Kentucky! program was initially funded through a High Impact Innovative Assistive Technology (HIIAT) grant from the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. After a permanent ramp is obtained, the portable ramp will be returned for other users.
Ramps of varying lengths are available at three CAL locations, Louisville, Bowling Green and Murray. Contact the office closest to you for more information or call the KATS Network at 1-800-327-5287 for a partner close to you.
WIPA (Work Incentives Planning and Assistance)
This program helps SSI and SSDI disability beneficiaries, ages 14 through full retirement age, to understand their work options so that they may make more informed choices about going to work. The program provides information about federal, state and local work incentive and related programs. The Center will make available a Community Work Incentive Coordinator, a knowledgeable advocate, who will help you understand work incentive program requirements.