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Employment Services
​The Center for Accessible Living has more than twenty years of experience helping individuals with all types of disabilities, including consumers of the Office for Vocational Rehabilitation and Social Security Beneficiaries find and keep quality careers. The Center can provide job development, job placement, career advancement, and training services, such as job readiness training or job skills training for program participants. The Center can also provide supportive services and assistance for individuals with disabilities in work settings. Staff can help create a professional resume and fine tune interviewing skills.
The Center is a proud member of the Louisville Coalition for Workforce Diversity.

The Center for Accessible Living is approved as a Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) to provide services for the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (KYOVR). As such, the Center can provide Employment and Retention Services, Life Skills Coaching, and Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) for consumers of the KYOVR. To receive these services, individuals must be referred by their vocational rehabilitation services.
The following definitions are used by the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Employment and Retention Services refers to services provided to a consumer to achieve a positive employment outcome. These services can include, among other things, job development, job placement, job readiness training, job skills training, resume development, interviewing skills, independent counseling, self-advocacy training, and assistance with accommodations.
Life Skills Coaching is working one-on-one with individuals with severe disabilities to prepare these individuals to function more successfully on the job and in life. The focus will be primarily on the “soft skills,” the lack of which often causes consumers to not obtain or to lose jobs. Life Skills Coaching will exist to serve individuals who need individualized services rather than a traditional work adjustment program. Issues that will be addressed during the coaching will include, but are not limited to: basic social skills such as proper eye contact and proper conversation; how to be involved in the community and why it is important; developing a crisis plan; coping with the disability on the job; interviewing skills to include grooming and hygiene; how to speak properly to a manager; requesting accommodations; requesting time off; addressing a problem on the job; how to properly resign from a job; financial management; and instruction in time management.
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are designed to assist students with disabilities in the identification of career interests. Pre-employment transition services are available only to students with disabilities ages 14 to 21. They must be used for the purpose of career exploration and experience. These services include: job exploration counseling, work based learning experiences, counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or post-secondary educational programs at Institutions of Higher Education (IHE’s), workplace readiness training, and instruction on self-advocacy. The Center’s Pre-ETS services are mainly focused on instruction in self-advocacy through its YES! program. YES! provides Pre-ETS services for KYOVR in a growing number of high schools including 12 high schools in the Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) System and three Bullitt County High Schools.
Additional Resources:
Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation website

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